What is endodontics?

Endodontics is a treatment whose purpose is to remove the affected pulp from a tooth, in order to perfectly clean the space where the pulp used to be, so that the space can then be filled with a biocompatible material.

Endodontics is often a treatment that worries patients, despite being one of the most widely used treatments in dentistry, with the aim of preserving natural teeth for as long as possible.

Perhaps many patients worry because they perceive this treatment as painful and therefore postpone the visit to the dentist.

However, what is really painful is the infection that occurs when caries is not treated in time.

But how can we know when it is necessary to proceed with a root canal? Mainly, when the pulp of the tooth is affected, that is to say, in cases where:

  • Caries are deep and irreversible.
  • A tooth is fractured or broken.
  • There are repetitive procedures on the same tooth.
  • Dental trauma has occurred.
  • There are pathologies such as periodontitis.

When we proceed to endodontics we can identify 3 types:

On the one hand, we find uniradicular endodontics, where the affected tooth only has one root, such as central and lateral incisors, and canines.
On the other hand, there is biradicular endodontics. Where we find that the affected tooth has two roots, as in the case of premolars and some molars.
And finally, multi-radicular endodontics, in which the affected tooth has three roots or more, as in the case of molars.

Now that we can identify our type of endodontics, we should know how easy the process is: Firstly, the tissue that has affected the caries is removed. The pulp chamber is then cleaned. Next, the root canals are located and cleaned, and finally, they are sealed and reconstructed. This last step is very important, because when we seal we ensure that there are no leaks and probable re-endodontia or caries. As well as, we reconstruct the tooth with resins that resemble a natural tooth.

Now, if you are wondering how long a root canal takes, we can assure you that in most cases, the treatments are carried out in a single session. Although it is true that it depends on each patient, the technical difficulty of the case or other parameters. If there are different circumstances, two or more sessions may be necessary.

Lose your fear of Endodontics treatment. Make an appointment with us and we will advise you on the treatment to be carried out.